10 Best Artificial Intelligence Project Ideas To Kick-Start Your Career
It is quite known to everyone how Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning are dominating the tech world in the present-day scenario. And you might be pretty much aware that both Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning are interdependent in some way or the other. Though a lot of theoretical stuff is being written on the different aspects of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, only learning theory is not sufficient and you need to spend time working on real-time projects. These projects not only help you to gain some hands-on experience and practical exposure, but you shall also be able to scale new heights as far as your career is concerned in this particular discipline....
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seaborn.crayon_palette Method()
Seaborn is a Python data visualization library based on Matplotlib. It provides a high-level interface for drawing attractive and informative statistical graphics. There is just something extraordinary about a well-designed visualization. In this article we will learn about the Python seaborn.crayon_palette Method()....
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Data visualization with Seaborn Pairplot
Data Visualization is the presentation of data in pictorial format. It is extremely important for Data Analysis, primarily because of the fantastic ecosystem of data-centric Python packages. Seaborn is one of those packages that can make analyzing data much easier....
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Stratified Random sampling – An Overview
Stratified Random Sampling is a technique used in Machine Learning and Data Science to select random samples from a large population for training and test datasets. When the population is not large enough, random sampling can introduce bias and sampling errors. Stratified Random Sampling ensures that the samples adequately represent the entire population....
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How does Hadoop ensure fault tolerance and high availability?
The Apache Hadoop framework stands out as a pivotal technology that facilitates the processing of vast datasets across clusters of computers. It’s built on the principle that system faults and hardware failures are common occurrences, rather than exceptions. Consequently, Hadoop is designed to ensure fault tolerance and high availability. This article explores the mechanisms Hadoop employs to achieve these critical features, which include data replication, the Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS), the use of MapReduce, the role of the YARN resource manager, and the Hadoop ecosystem’s resilience strategies....
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Quantile Transformer for Outlier Detection
Data transformation is a mathematical function that changes the data into a scaled value, which makes it possible to compare different columns, e.g., salary in INR with weight in kilograms. Transforming the data will satisfy certain mathematical assumptions such as normalization, standardization, homogeneity, linearity, etc. Quantile Transformer is one of the data transformer techniques for standardizing data....
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How to Calculate the Mean by Group in R DataFrame ?
Calculating the mean by group in an R DataFrame involves splitting the data into subsets based on a specific grouping variable and then computing the mean of a numeric variable within each subgroup....
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How to combine Groupby and Multiple Aggregate Functions in Pandas?
Pandas is a Python package that offers various data structures and operations for manipulating numerical data and time series. It is mainly popular for importing and analyzing data much easier. It is an open-source library that is built on top of NumPy library....
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How to install OpenCV for Visual Studio Code and Python?
OpenCV is a powerful computer vision library widely used for image and video processing tasks. Integrating OpenCV with Visual Studio Code (VS Code) allows developers to leverage their capabilities within a familiar development environment. In this article, we will see how we can install OpenCV for Visual Studio code and Python....
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Classical Planning in AI
Classical planning in AI is a foundational field that traverses the maze of complications across multiple domains. The foundation of everything from robotics to manufacturing, logistics to space exploration is classical planning, which offers an organized method for accomplishing objectives. In this article, we will explore the Classical Planning in AI in detail....
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How to Check Selenium Python Version
Selenium, a popular automation tool, simplifies web browser automation tasks in Python. However, ensuring you have the correct version installed is crucial for compatibility and accessing the latest features. This article explores various methods to check the Selenium version in Python, empowering users to manage their Selenium environments effectively....
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How to calculate the number of parameters in CNN?
Calculating the number of parameters in Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) is important for understanding the model complexity, computational requirements, and potential overfitting....
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